Take Your Audio to The Next Level

Sound For Media

  • Film Sound
  • Audiobooks
  • Voiceovers
  • Podcasts
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Live Sound

  • Music events
  • Live streams
  • Theatre
  • Parties
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Music Production At
The Garage

If you are looking for music production head over to garagestudios.co.uk for all of the details for our various packages for productions, as well as mixing and mastering.


Why Choose Hepworth Media?

Diverse Range of Experience

We have worked on many different types of projects across various industries within A/V production.


Hepworth Media's team are skilled in each phase of the production process: pre-production, production, post-production and distribution.


Our pricing is competitive and we aim to deliver as much value as possible for your budget.

Attention to Detail

Small details are the building blocks which take the production quality to the next level.

Going Above and Beyond

We don't just stop at A/V production, we can help you with advertising and marketing so the final project can be seen!

We Love What We Do

We have a passion for creating and love to experience the journey that makes up every new project.